Honda 919 Streetfighter Review
Automotive world is always full of new innovations. Especially on a big motorcycle or sportbike, you will find a lot of variation in only one year. Therefore, if you are looking for a great bike but still face economical problem, then the Honda 919 would be the right choice. Here is a review about
Honda 919 streetfighter. Honda is the manufacturer who is very strong both in Asia and around the world. One of some example is Honda 919, even though the engine is almost the same as the CBR 900 but innovation of PGM-FI will give the effect of burning fuel of the maximum result.
Honda 919 streetfighter still has a resemblance with the previous series, but in terms of chassis, this bike has a different design types. Steel construction of this motor type makes rectangular shape with a backbone that connects the steering head and swing arm pivot. This closed frame and swing arm contribute, but aluminum is not in contact with the machine. By using the cartridge suspension fork with 43 mm type that can not be regulated,
Honda 919 streetfighter will provide you safe riding whereas the back suspension is still link less and uses only a single shock.
Honda 919 Streetfighter Photos
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